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하루 목표


04:00 : Rise and shine

- 05:00 : Make bread and coffee

- 07:00 : Visit the park near laguna beach with coffee and cookies made by esmerald's mom.
              I drove for the first time.

라구나 비치 주변 파크 (새벽)

- 08:00 : Morning workout ( face execise, light squats and stretching )
- 08:30 : Plan my day
- 10:00 : English


- 12:00 : Research
- 02:00 : Lunch break & take a walk 


'하루 목표' 카테고리의 다른 글

09/18/2022  (0) 2022.09.20
09/17/2022 : 첫 주말이당  (1) 2022.09.18
09/15/2022  (0) 2022.09.16
09/14/2022  (0) 2022.09.15
09/13/2022  (0) 2022.09.13